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38 docs tagged with "chatbot"

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$(7tvemotes) Variable

Lists active 7TV emotes in a Twitch channel. Learn how to use the $(7tvemotes) variable in StreamElements Chatbot commands.

$(ai) Variable

Learn how to use the StreamElements AI chatbot variable to generate dynamic responses in your stream chat.

$(args) Variable

Learn how to use the $(args) variable in StreamElements chatbot commands for dynamic, user-input-based responses.

$(bttvemotes) Variable

Learn how to use the $(bttvemotes) variable to display active BetterTTV emotes in your Twitch channel.

$(channel) Variables

Comprehensive guide to StreamElements Chatbot $(channel) variables for streamers and moderators

$(ffzemotes) Variable

Learn how to use the $(ffzemotes) variable to display active FrankerFaceZ emotes in your Twitch channel.


Learn how to use the $(getcount) variable in StreamElements Chatbot to retrieve counter values without incrementing them.

$(leagueoflegends) Variable

Get a League of Legends player's rank and LP using StreamElements Chatbot. Supports Riot IDs and multiple regions.

$(math) Variable

Learn how to use the $(math) variable in StreamElements Chatbot for performing mathematical calculations in chat messages.

$(msgid) Variable

Learn how to use the $(msgid) variable to retrieve unique message IDs in StreamElements Chatbot commands.

$(pathescape) Variable

Escape strings for URL paths in StreamElements Chatbot. Learn how to use $(pathescape) with syntax, examples, and parameters.

$(queryescape) Variable

Learn how to use the $(queryescape) variable to encode strings for URL usage in StreamElements Chatbot commands.


Learn how to use the $(quote) command in StreamElements Chatbot to display random or specific saved quotes in your Twitch chat.

$(repeat) Variable

Learn how to use the $(repeat) variable to repeat phrases in StreamElements Chatbot. Includes usage, examples, and parameters.

$(sender) Variable

Comprehensive guide to the StreamElements Chatbot $(sender) variable for streamers and moderators


Learn how to use the $(setgame) variable to change the stream game in StreamElements Chatbot. Includes usage, examples, and parameters.

$(settitle) Variable

Change your stream title easily with the $(settitle) command. Learn how to use this StreamElements Chatbot feature with examples and usage tips.

$(stockprice) Variable

Display real-time stock prices in your stream chat using the $(stockprice) variable. Learn usage, examples, and parameters.

$(title) Variable

Learn how to use the $(title) variable to display a channel's title in StreamElements Chatbot.

$(touser) Variable

Learn how to use the $(touser) variable in StreamElements Chatbot to display a user's name or a specified word in chat messages.

$(twitchemotes) Variable

Learn how to use the $(twitchemotes) variable to display all available Twitch subscriber emotes in your stream chat.

$(uptime) Variable

Learn how to use the $(uptime) variable in StreamElements Chatbot to display stream uptime for any user.

$(user) Variable

Comprehensive guide to the StreamElements Chatbot $(user) variable for streamers and moderators

$(weather) Variable

Learn how to use the $(weather) variable to display current weather conditions for any location in your StreamElements chatbot.

Banned Words Filter

Learn how to use the Banned Words filter in StreamElements Chatbot to automatically remove unwanted messages from your stream chat.

Caps Filter

Learn how to use the Caps filter to manage excessive capital letters in chat messages on StreamElements


Stay updated with the latest changes and improvements to the StreamElements Chatbot.

Chatbot Timers

Chatbot timers are automated messages or actions that occur at specified intervals during a live stream. They serve to remind viewers about certain aspects of the stream, such as rules or upcoming events, and can also be used to automatically execute commands at regular intervals.

Default Commands

A comprehensive guide to StreamElements Chatbot's default commands, including usage, examples, and configuration options.

Emote Filter

Learn how to manage emote usage in your stream chat with the StreamElements Emote Filter. Set limits, customize timeout messages, and exclude user groups.

Link Filter

Manage and control links in chat messages with StreamElements Chatbot's Link Filter feature. Learn how to configure allowlists, blocklists, and timeout settings.

Paragraph Filter

Learn how to use the Paragraph filter to manage message length in your Twitch chat using StreamElements Chatbot. Configure character limits, timeout durations, and custom messages.

StreamElements Chatbot

Comprehensive guide to StreamElements Chatbot: Learn how to enhance viewer engagement, automate tasks, and create interactive streams with our powerful Twitch chatbot.

Symbol Filter

Learn how to use the Symbol filter in StreamElements Chatbot to manage symbol usage in chat messages. Configure limits, timeout durations, and customize messages for effective moderation.

Time Variables

Learn how to use StreamElements Chatbot time variables to display current time and countdowns in your stream chat.