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The !filesay command allows streamers and moderators to send multiple lines of text to chat from a URL. This powerful tool is particularly useful for bulk moderation actions, such as banning a large number of users simultaneously.


!filesay <url>

Replace <url> with the web address of a plain text file containing the messages you want to send to chat. Each line in the file will be sent as a separate message.


Example 1: Banning multiple users



badactor1 has been permanently banned from the chat.
badactor2 has been permanently banned from the chat.
badactor3 has been permanently banned from the chat.
badactor4 has been permanently banned from the chat.
badactor5 has been permanently banned from the chat.

Example 2: Sending multiple announcements



Welcome to the stream, everyone!
Today's schedule: Gaming from 2-4 PM, Q&A from 4-5 PM
Don't forget to follow and subscribe for more content!


  • url: The web address of a plain text file containing the messages to be sent to chat. Each line in the file will be treated as a separate message.


No additional configuration is required to use the !filesay command.


There are no aliases for the !filesay command.