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Custom Commands

In addition to the default commands, you can also create your own custom commands. Custom commands allow you to create commands that are tailored to your channel and your community. You can use custom commands to create unique interactions and functionalities that are not possible with the default commands.

Managing Custom Commands

There are 2 ways to manage a custom commands:

  1. Through the creator dashboard
  2. Directly in chat with the !command command

Using the Dashboard to manage custom commands

See Creating a command in Getting Started

Using chat to manage Custom Commands

Creating a Custom Command in chat

The general Syntax is the following:

!command add <command name> <response>

Modifying a Custom Command in chat

!command edit <command name> <response>

Deleting a Custom Command in chat

!command remove <command name>

Displaying the commands text in chat

!command show <command name>
Example Output:
@Styler, command test: ${channel} This is a test command. ${settitle ${1:}}

Changing the options / permissions / cooldowns of a command

!command options <command name> <-option> <value>

For specifics read the documentation for the !command command