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Counters are an easy way to keep track of certain things in your stream. They can be used to keep track of how many times you've died in a game, or how many times you've missed a cannon minion in league of legends.

You can manage your counters in the StreamElements Dashboard or use the variable directly from chat listed below.


  • getcount - Retrieves the current count of the counter. For more information, refer to the getcount documentation.
  • count Increments or decrements the counter. For more information, refer to the count documentation.


Add counter command

Let's start by adding a new counter command for missed cannons in league of legends:

  1. Create a new command by typing !cmd add cannon ${count cannon}
  2. Now when you type !cannon in chat, it will increment the counter by 1.


Get the current count

Let's create another command to see how many cannons you've missed (Without incrementing the counter):

  1. Create a new command by typing !cmd add missedcannons ${getcount cannon}
  2. Now when you type !missedcannons in chat, it will show you the current count of the cannon counter.
