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The $(getcount) variable allows you to retrieve the current value of a counter without incrementing it. This is useful for displaying counter values in chat messages or on stream overlays.


To use the $(getcount) variable, you need to provide the name of the counter as a parameter. The syntax is as follows:

$(getcount counterName)


Here are two practical examples of how to use the $(getcount) variable:

  1. Displaying the current number of subscribers:
We currently have $(getcount subscribers) subscribers! Thank you for your support!
  1. Showing the number of times a specific command has been used:
The !hug command has been used $(getcount hugs) times in this stream.


The $(getcount) variable takes one parameter:

  • counterName: The name of the counter you want to retrieve the value for. This is a required parameter.
  • $(count): Increments a counter and returns its new value


Q: Can I use $(getcount) to create a new counter? A: No, $(getcount) only retrieves existing counter values. To create a new counter, use the $(count) variable first.

Q: What happens if I try to get the count of a non-existent counter? A: If the counter doesn't exist, $(getcount) will return 0.

Q: Is there a limit to how many counters I can have? A: StreamElements doesn't specify a limit, but it's good practice to use counters judiciously to avoid performance issues.