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$(leagueoflegends) Variable


The $(leagueoflegends) variable allows you to retrieve and display the current rank and LP (League Points) of a specified League of Legends player using the StreamElements Chatbot.


To use this variable, you need to provide two parameters: the region and the player's Riot ID or Summoner Name.

$(leagueoflegends <region> <Riot ID/Summoner Name>)
Riot IDs

League of Legends is transitioning to Riot IDs. During the transition, you can use either Riot IDs or Summoner Names. After the transition, only Riot IDs will be supported.

Note: If the Riot ID contains spaces, wrap it in quotes.


$(leagueoflegends euw styler#euw)
$(leagueoflegends na "Doublelift#na1")

Example output:

Current Rank: Challenger I (1229 LP)


  1. Region: The server region of the player (e.g., euw, na)
  2. Riot ID/Summoner Name: The player's unique identifier

Supported Regions

  • br (Brazil)
  • eune (Europe Nordic & East)
  • euw (Europe West)
  • jp (Japan)
  • kr (Republic of Korea)
  • lan (Latin America North)
  • las (Latin America South)
  • na (North America)
  • oce (Oceania)
  • pbe (Public Beta Environment)
  • ph (Philippines)
  • ru (Russia)
  • sg (Singapore)
  • th (Thailand)
  • tw (Taiwan)
  • tr (Turkey)
  • vn (Vietnam)


Q: Why isn't the rank updating immediately?

A: Rank data may have a slight delay due to API caching. It typically updates within a few minutes after a player's ranked game.