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$(teamfighttactics) Variable


The $(teamfighttactics) variable allows you to retrieve and display the current rank and LP (League Points) of a specified Teamfight Tactics player using the StreamElements Chatbot.


To use this variable, you need to provide two parameters: the region and the player's Riot ID.

$(teamfighttactics <region> <Riot ID>)


$(teamfighttactics euw styler#euw)
$(teamfighttactics na Doublelift#na1)

Example output:

Current Rank: Gold IV (32 LP)


  1. Region: The server region of the player (e.g., euw, na)
  2. Riot ID: The player's unique identifier

Supported Regions

  • br (Brazil)
  • eune (Europe Nordic & East)
  • euw (Europe West)
  • jp (Japan)
  • kr (Republic of Korea)
  • lan (Latin America North)
  • las (Latin America South)
  • na (North America)
  • oce (Oceania)
  • pbe (Public Beta Environment)
  • ph (Philippines)
  • ru (Russia)
  • sg (Singapore)
  • th (Thailand)
  • tw (Taiwan)
  • tr (Turkey)
  • vn (Vietnam)


Q: Why isn't the rank updating immediately?

A: Rank data may have a slight delay due to API caching. It typically updates within a few minutes after a player's ranked game.