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$(math) Variable


The $(math) variable allows you to perform mathematical calculations and operations directly in your StreamElements Chatbot messages. It utilizes the math.js library, providing a wide range of mathematical functions and capabilities.


To use the $(math) variable, include it in your message followed by a valid math.js expression:

$(math *expression*)

Replace expression with the mathematical operation you want to perform.


Here are some practical examples of how to use the $(math) variable:

  1. Basic arithmetic:

    Bot: 2 + 2 equals $(math "2 + 2")
    Output: 2 + 2 equals 4
  2. Rounding a division result:

    Bot: 10 divided by 3, rounded to the nearest integer, is $(math "round(10/3)")
    Output: 10 divided by 3, rounded to the nearest integer, is 3
  3. Generating a random number:

    Bot: Your random number between 1 and 10 is $(math "random(1,10)")
    Output: Your random number between 1 and 10 is 7.525986609745358


The $(math) variable takes a single parameter: a valid math.js expression. This can include:

  • Basic arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /)
  • Mathematical functions (e.g., round(), floor(), ceil(), log(), sin(), cos())
  • Constants (e.g., pi, e)
  • Logical operators (e.g., >, <, ==, !=)

For a complete list of supported operations and functions, refer to the math.js documentation.

  • $(customapi): Can be used to fetch and process numerical data from external sources


Q: Can I use variables in my math expressions?

A: Yes, you can use other StreamElements variables within your $(math) expression. For example: $(math "{points} * 2") would double the user's points.

Q: Is there a limit to the complexity of expressions I can use?

A: While there's no strict limit, very complex expressions may take longer to process. It's best to keep expressions relatively simple for optimal performance.