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$(twitchemotes) Variable


The $(twitchemotes) variable is a powerful tool that allows you to display all available Twitch subscriber emotes in your stream chat. This can be useful for showcasing your channel's unique emotes or creating interactive chat experiences.


To use the $(twitchemotes) variable, simply include it in your chatbot command or message. The variable will be replaced with a list of all available Twitch subscriber emotes for your channel.


Here are two practical examples of how to use the $(twitchemotes) variable:

  1. Display all subscriber emotes:
!emotes Subscriber emotes: $(twitchemotes)

This command will output something like:

Subscriber emotes: stylerXD, stylerRIP, stylerLOL, stylerHYPE
  1. Create a dynamic emote celebration:
!celebration Let's celebrate with our awesome emotes! $(twitchemotes)

This command will output something like:

Let's celebrate with our awesome emotes! stylerXD stylerRIP stylerLOL stylerHYPE


The $(twitchemotes) variable does not accept any parameters. It will always output all available Twitch subscriber emotes for the channel.


Q: Will this variable show emotes from other channels?

A: No, $(twitchemotes) only displays subscriber emotes for the current channel.

Q: How often is the emote list updated?

A: The Twitch emote list is cached for 48 hours. To update the list immediately, you can use the command !emotes reload.

Q: Can I customize the output format of the emotes?

A: The $(twitchemotes) variable outputs emotes in a simple comma-separated list. For more advanced formatting, you may need to use custom code.