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$(queryescape) Variable


The $(queryescape) variable is used to encode a string for safe use in URLs. It replaces spaces with plus signs and escapes special characters, making it ideal for creating dynamic search queries or links within chatbot commands.


To use the $(queryescape) variable, include it in your command with the text you want to encode as its parameter:

$(queryescape *text*)

Replace text with the string you want to encode for URL usage.


!command add !google ${urlfetch$(queryescape ${1:})}

This command creates a Google search link based on the user's input.

User Input: !google StreamElements chatbot Output:

Example 2: YouTube search query

!command add !yt$(queryescape ${1:})

This command generates a YouTube search link using the provided search terms.

User Input: !yt funny cat videos Output:


The $(queryescape) variable takes a single parameter:

  • text: The string you want to encode for URL usage. This can be static text or a dynamic value from another variable or user input.
  • $(customapi): Used to fetch content from a URL, often combined with $(queryescape) for dynamic web requests.
  • ${args}: Represents user input in custom commands, frequently used with $(queryescape) to create dynamic queries.


Q: Why should I use $(queryescape) instead of just inserting text directly into a URL?

A: Using $(queryescape) ensures that special characters and spaces are properly encoded, preventing errors in the URL and ensuring it works correctly across different platforms and browsers.

Q: Can I use $(queryescape) with other variables or in more complex commands?

A: Yes, you can combine $(queryescape) with other variables and use it in complex commands. It's especially useful when working with user input or dynamic data that needs to be included in URLs.