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$(args) Variable


The $(args) variable is a powerful feature in StreamElements chatbot commands that allows you to access and manipulate arguments passed by users. This enables dynamic responses based on user input, enhancing the interactivity of your chatbot.


The basic syntax for using the $(args) variable is:


You can access specific arguments using numeric indices, starting from 1:

$(1), $(2), $(3), etc.


  1. Greeting a user:

    Command: !greet $(1)
    User input: !greet World
    Output: Hello, World!
  2. Introducing a user:

    Command: !introduce $(1) is $(2) years old
    User input: !introduce Alice 25
    Output: Alice is 25 years old


The $(args) variable has two special variants:

  1. $(n.emote): Outputs an argument only if it is a valid emote.

    Command: !emote $(1.emote)
    User input: !emote Kappa
    Output: Kappa
  2. $(n.word): Outputs an argument only if it does not contain symbols.

    Command: !word $(1.word)
    User input: !word Hello
    Output: Hello

Where n is the argument index in both cases.

  • $(user): Represents the username of the person using the command
  • $(channel): Represents the channel name where the command is used


Q: What happens if I try to access an argument that wasn't provided?

A: If you try to access an argument that wasn't provided (e.g., $(2) when only one argument was given), the output will be blank.