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$(ffzemotes) Variable


The $(ffzemotes) variable is used to display a list of active FrankerFaceZ (FFZ) emotes in your Twitch channel. This can be helpful for viewers to see which custom emotes are available for use in the chat.


To use this variable, simply include $(ffzemotes) in your chat message or command response. The chatbot will automatically replace it with a list of active FFZ emotes.


Example 1: Displaying FFZ Emotes



Chatbot Response:

The active FFZ emotes in this channel are: $(ffzemotes)


The active FFZ emotes in this channel are: LULW KEKW 5Head PogU

Example 2: Creating a Custom Command


!command add !customemotes Our channel's FFZ emotes: $(ffzemotes)



Chatbot Response:

Our channel's FFZ emotes: LULW KEKW 5Head PogU


This variable does not accept any parameters.


Q: How often is the FFZ emote list updated?

A: The FFZ emote list is cached for 48 hours. To update the list immediately, you can use the command !emotes reload.

Q: Can I filter or limit the number of emotes displayed?

A: The $(ffzemotes) variable doesn't have built-in filtering or limiting options. To manipulate the output, you'll need to use additional StreamElements variables or custom code.

Q: What if there are no FFZ emotes in the channel?

A: If there are no active FFZ emotes, the variable will return an empty string.