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The !cancelraffle command allows Twitch streamers to immediately halt any active raffle on their channel. This command is useful for quickly ending raffles.


To cancel an ongoing raffle, simply type the command in your Twitch chat:



Example 1: Canceling a raffle

Streamer input:


Chatbot output:

The raffle was canceled!

Example 2: Attempting to cancel when no raffle is active

Streamer input:


Chatbot output:

There is no active raffle to cancel.


This command does not require any parameters.


The !cancelraffle command is part of the Raffle Module. Ensure that this module is enabled in your StreamElements chatbot settings to use this command.


There are no default aliases for this command. However, you can create custom aliases in your StreamElements dashboard if desired.


You can customize the response message for the !cancelraffle command in your StreamElements dashboard. This allows you to personalize the cancellation announcement to match your stream's style or provide additional information to your viewers.