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The !quote command allows streamers and moderators to manage a collection of memorable quotes from their Twitch chat. This feature helps engage your community by saving and sharing their best moments.


The basic syntax for the !quote command is:

!quote [subcommand] [arguments]

When used without any subcommands, !quote displays a random quote from the collection.


  1. Display a random quote:

  2. Add a new quote:

    !quote add This is a memorable moment from the stream!
  3. Remove a quote:

    !quote remove 1


The !quote command has two main subcommands:

  1. add: Adds a new quote to the collection reserved for Moderator/Broadcaster roles.
  2. remove: Removes an existing quote from the collection for Moderator/Broadcaster roles.

Add Subcommand

  • Syntax: !quote add <quote_text>
  • Description: Adds a new quote to the collection.
  • Example:
    !quote add That was an amazing play!
  • Output:
    @Username, successfully added quote 1.

Remove Subcommand

  • Syntax: !quote remove <quote_id>
  • Description: Removes an existing quote from the collection using its ID.
  • Example:
    !quote remove 1
  • Output:
    @Username, successfully removed quote 1.


  • !quote add alias: !quote +
  • !quote remove alias: !quote -