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The !followage command allows users to check how long a specific user has been following a Twitch channel. This command is useful for both streamers and viewers to quickly see the duration of a user's follow status.


To use the !followage command, type it in the chat followed by optional parameters:

!followage [username] [channel]

If no parameters are provided, the command will check the followage of the user who sent the command in the current channel.


  • username (optional): The username of the user to check the followage of. If not provided, defaults to the user who sent the command.
  • channel (optional): The channel to check the followage in. If not provided, defaults to the current channel.


  1. Check your own followage in the current channel:

  2. Check another user's followage in the current channel:

    !followage styler
  3. Check a user's followage in a specific channel:

    !followage styler darkoe

Example Output

For a user who is following the channel:

@Adeithe, styler has been following darkoe for 7 years 6 months 20 days 12 hours

For a user who is not following the channel:

@Adeithe, styler is not following darkoe
  • !uptime: Check how long the current stream has been live