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The !givepoints command allows users to transfer their loyalty points to another user in the chat. This feature is useful for rewarding viewers, running community events, or sharing points with friends.


To use the !givepoints command, type it in chat followed by the recipient's username and the amount of points you want to transfer.

Syntax: !givepoints <username> <amount>


  1. Giving 1000 points to a user named "viewer123":

    !givepoints viewer123 1000
  2. Transferring 500 points to a moderator named "mod_expert":

    !givepoints mod_expert 500


  • <username>: The name of the user who will receive the points. Must be a valid username in the chat.
  • <amount>: The number of points to transfer. Must be a positive integer and cannot exceed the sender's current point balance.
  • !points: Check your current point balance
  • !top: View the leaderboard of users with the most points


The !givepoints command can also be used with the following aliases:

  • !give
  • !transfer

Error Handling

The command includes built-in error handling for common issues:

  1. Invalid username:

    @Sender, That doesn't look like a valid username Keepo
  2. Insufficient points:

    @Sender, You only have 420 points.
  3. User not found in database:

    @Sender, I couldn't find that user in the database :/