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The !songrequest command allows viewers to add songs to the streamer's mediarequest queue. This command integrates with YouTube, enabling users to request songs using various input methods.


!songrequest <song|url|search>


  1. Request a song by search term:

    !songrequest league of legends theme
  2. Request a song by YouTube URL:



  • <song|url|search> (required): The song to request. This can be:
    • A YouTube video URL
    • A YouTube playlist URL
    • A search term
  • !songqueue: View the current mediarequest queue
  • !skip: Skip the currently playing song (moderator only)
  • !volume: Adjust the volume of the media player (moderator only)


  • !sr: A shorter alias for !songrequest


Streamers can configure various aspects of the !songrequest command in their StreamElements dashboard:

  • Set a maximum song duration
  • Limit the number of requests per user
  • Enable or disable playlist requests
  • Set up a song blacklist

Example Output

When a song is successfully added to the queue, the chatbot will respond with a message similar to this:

@Viewer, added "Song Title" to the queue at #2 (playing ~in 3 mins 5 secs)

This response includes:

  • The requester's name
  • The song title
  • The position in the queue
  • Estimated time until the song plays
  • A link to the YouTube video