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The !module command allows streamers and moderators to enable or disable specific chatbot modules directly from the chat. This powerful tool helps you control the functionality of your StreamElements chatbot in real-time, tailoring its features to your stream's needs.


To use the !module command, type it in chat followed by the module name and the desired action (enable or disable).

Syntax: !module <module_name> <action>


  1. Disabling the roulette module:

    !module roulette disable
  2. Enabling the quotes module:

    !module quotes enable


  • <module_name>: The name of the module you want to enable or disable (e.g., roulette, quotes, giveaway).
  • <action>: The action to perform on the module. Use either enable to turn on the module or disable to turn it off.
  • !commands: Lists all available chatbot commands
  • !permit: Grants temporary permission for users to post links


The !module command is available by default to the broadcaster and moderators. You can adjust command permissions in the StreamElements dashboard under the Chatbot > Commands section.