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The !enablesfx command is used to enable all sound effect items in the StreamElements loyalty store that were previously disabled. This command is particularly useful for streamers who want to quickly reactivate multiple sound effect items without having to enable them individually.


To use the !enablesfx command, simply type it in the chat:


This command doesn't require any additional parameters or arguments.


Example 1: Enabling Sound Effects




@Styler, successfully updated 1 items.

In this example, the command successfully enabled one previously disabled sound effect item in the loyalty store.

Example 2: No Disabled Sound Effects




@Styler, no disabled sound effect items found in the loyalty store.

In this scenario, the command was used, but there were no disabled sound effect items to enable.

  • !disablesfx: Disables all sound effect items in the loyalty store


While the !enablesfx command itself cannot be customized, you can manage individual sound effect items in your StreamElements dashboard. This includes setting custom prices, cooldowns, and usage limits for each item.