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The !removesong command allows streamers and moderators to manage the song request queue by removing specific songs or all songs requested by a particular user. This command is essential for maintaining control over the music played during a stream and addressing any inappropriate or unwanted song requests.


The basic syntax for the !removesong command is:

!removesong [username|URL]


  • username is the name of the viewer whose songs you want to remove
  • URL is the specific URL of the song you want to remove from the queue


  1. Remove a specific song by URL:

  2. Remove all songs requested by a specific user:

    !removesong CoolViewer123


  • username (optional): The Twitch username of the person whose songs you want to remove from the queue.
  • URL (optional): The URL of the specific song you want to remove from the queue.

Note: You must provide either a username or a URL. The command will not work without one of these parameters.

  • !songrequest: Used to add songs to the queue
  • !song: Displays information about the currently playing song
  • !skip: Skips the current song in the queue


The !removesong command is available by default in StreamElements chatbot. No additional configuration is required to use this command.