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The !watchtime command allows viewers to check how long they've been watching the stream. This feature helps enhance viewer engagement and loyalty by providing a tangible measure of their time spent in the channel.


The !watchtime command only works when the loyalty feature is enabled in your StreamElements dashboard.


To use the !watchtime command, simply type it in the chat. You can also check the watch time of other users by including their username.

!watchtime [username]


  1. Check your own watch time:



    Styler has spent 20 mins watching styler
  2. Check another user's watch time:

    !watchtime ChatEnthusiast


    ChatEnthusiast has spent 2 hours and 15 mins watching styler


  • username (optional): The name of the user whose watch time you want to check. If omitted, the command will display the watch time of the user who issued the command.
  • !points: Check your loyalty points balance
  • !top: View the top viewers by watch time


To enable the !watchtime command:

  1. Go to your StreamElements dashboard
  2. Navigate to the Loyalty section
  3. Enable the Loyalty feature
  4. Ensure the !watchtime command is activated in the Commands list