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The !permit command is a moderation tool used in StreamElements chatbot to temporarily prevent a specific viewer from being timed out. This command is useful when you want to allow a viewer to post links or other content that might normally trigger an automatic timeout.


!permit <username> [duration]


  • <username>: The name of the viewer to be exempted from timeouts.
  • [duration] (optional): The number of seconds the permit should last. If not specified, the default is 60 seconds.


  1. Permit a user for the default duration:

    !permit darkoe


    @Darkoe, you will not get timed out for the next 60 seconds.
  2. Permit a user for a custom duration:

    !permit darkoe 120


    @darkoe, you will not get timed out for the next 120 seconds.


The !permit command is available by default in StreamElements chatbot. Moderators and the broadcaster can use this command without additional configuration.


There are no default aliases for the !permit command. However, you can create custom aliases in your StreamElements dashboard if desired.