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The !openstore command is a powerful tool that enables all regular items in your StreamElements loyalty store that were previously disabled. This command provides a quick and efficient way to manage your store's inventory, allowing you to make multiple items available to your viewers with a single action.


To use the !openstore command, simply type it in your stream chat. The command doesn't require any additional arguments or parameters.


When executed, the command will enable all regular items in your loyalty store that are currently disabled. After processing, it will provide feedback on how many items were updated.


Example 1: Basic Usage




@Styler, successfully updated 13 items.

In this example, the command enabled 13 previously disabled items in the loyalty store.

Example 2: No Items to Update




@Styler, no items were updated. All regular items are already enabled.

This example shows the response when all regular items in the store are already enabled.

  • !closestore - Disables all regular items in the loyalty store


The !openstore command is typically available to moderators and the broadcaster by default. You can adjust the permission levels for this command in your StreamElements dashboard under the Chatbot settings.