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The !accountage command allows users to check the age of a Twitch account. This tool is particularly useful for moderators to verify user authenticity or determine eligibility for certain privileges based on account age.


To use the command, type !accountage followed by an optional username:

!accountage [username]

If no username is provided, the command will check the account age of the user who issued the command.


  1. Check the age of a specific user's account:

    !accountage styler


    @Styler, styler was created 8 years 2 months 28 days 7 hours ago.
  2. Check your own account age:



    @YourUsername, your account was created 3 years 5 months 12 days 4 hours ago.


  • username (optional): The Twitch username of the account you want to check. If omitted, the command checks the account age of the user who issued the command.
  • !followage: Checks how long a user has been following the channel


The !accountage command has the following default aliases:

  • !accage
  • !created

These aliases can be used interchangeably with the main command.