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The !votekick command initiates a community vote to temporarily remove a user from the chat. This feature allows viewers to participate in chat moderation by voting on whether a potentially disruptive user should be kicked.


!votekick <username> [duration]


  1. Start a votekick for user "chatty_person" with the default duration:
!votekick chatty_person
  1. Start a votekick for user "noisy_viewer" with a custom duration of 5 minutes:
!votekick noisy_viewer 5m


  • <username>: The name of the user to be potentially kicked (required)
  • [duration]: The length of time for the voting period (optional)
    • If not specified, uses the default duration set in the module configuration
    • Can be specified in seconds (s), minutes (m), or hours (h)


Moderators can configure the following settings for the !votekick command through the StreamElements dashboard bot modules page:

  • Vote Duration: Set the default duration for the voting period
  • Minimum Votes: Specify the minimum number of votes required for a valid votekick
  • Vote Threshold: Define the percentage of positive votes needed for the votekick to pass
  • Timeout Duration: Set how long the user will be timed out if the vote passes
  • Cooldown: Establish a cooldown period between votekick attempts

To modify these settings:

  1. Log in to your StreamElements dashboard
  2. Navigate to Bot > Modules
  3. Find and click on the "Votekick" module
  4. Adjust the settings as needed
  5. Save your changes