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The !bot command allows streamers and moderators to control the behavior of the StreamElements chatbot during a stream. This command provides essential functions for managing the bot's presence and activity in the chat.


!bot <subcommand>

The !bot command requires one of the following subcommands:

  • mute: Prevents the bot from sending messages in the chat
  • unmute: Allows the bot to send messages in the chat
  • part: Makes the bot leave the chat


Muting the bot

!bot mute

This command will silence the bot, preventing it from sending any messages in the chat.

Unmuting the bot

!bot unmute

This command will allow the bot to resume sending messages in the chat.

Removing the bot from chat

!bot part

This command will make the bot leave the chat entirely.


The !bot command does not have any additional parameters beyond the required subcommand.

  • !commands: Lists all available bot commands
  • !command: Adds a new custom command to the bot
  • !timer: View and manage timers


The !bot command is available by default and does not require additional configuration. However, you may need to set up proper permissions to restrict its usage to moderators and the streamer.


There are no default aliases for the !bot command.


While the core functionality of the !bot command cannot be customized, you can create custom commands that complement its features using the StreamElements custom command system.