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The !addpoints command allows moderators and streamers to add points to a viewer's account in the StreamElements Chatbot loyalty program. This feature helps enhance viewer engagement and rewards active participation in your stream.


!addpoints <username> <amount>

Replace username with the viewer's name and amount with the number of points to add.


  1. Adding 1000 points to a user named "darkoe":
!addpoints darkoe 1000
  1. Rewarding a helpful viewer with 500 points:
!addpoints helpfulviewer 500


  • username (required): The name of the viewer receiving the points.
  • amount (required): The number of points to add to the viewer's account.
  • !points: Allows viewers to check their current point balance.
  • !givepoints: Enables viewers to transfer points to each other.


To enable the !addpoints command:

  1. Go to your StreamElements dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Chatbot settings.
  3. Ensure the Loyalty System is activated.
  4. Add !addpoints to the list of enabled commands.