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The !editcounter command allows you to modify the value of a specific counter in your StreamElements chatbot. This command is useful for tracking various events or items during your stream.


!editcounter <counter_id> <value>


  • counter_id: The name or identifier of the counter you want to edit.
  • value: The new value for the counter. You can use:
    • A positive or negative number to set an absolute value
    • + followed by a number to increment the counter
    • - followed by a number to decrement the counter


  1. Set a counter to a specific value:

    !editcounter social 1000

    Output: @Username changed the social counter from 500 to 1000

  2. Increment a counter:

    !editcounter viewers +10

    Output: @Username changed the viewers counter from 50 to 60

  3. Decrement a counter:

    !editcounter points -5

    Output: @Username changed the points counter from 20 to 15