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The !8ball command simulates a magic 8-ball toy, providing random responses to viewer questions. This interactive feature engages your audience and adds an element of unpredictability to your chat.


Type !8ball followed by a question in the chat. The chatbot will respond with a random fortune-like answer.

!8ball <question>


  1. Asking a yes/no question:

    Viewer: !8ball Will I win my next game?
    Chatbot: It is decidedly so.
  2. Asking an open-ended question:

    Viewer: !8ball What should I have for dinner?
    Chatbot: Cannot predict now.


This command doesn't require any specific parameters. The question following !8ball is optional and doesn't affect the randomized response.


The !8ball command is part of the 8ball module. Ensure this module is enabled in your StreamElements chatbot settings.


The following aliases can be used interchangeably with !8ball:

  • !eightball
  • !69ball
  • !420ball


You can customize the !8ball responses by modifying the 8ball module settings in your StreamElements dashboard. This allows you to add, remove, or edit the possible answers the chatbot can give.