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The !cancelduel command allows moderators to immediately stop an ongoing duel between viewers in your Twitch stream. This command is essential for managing viewer interactions and maintaining control over the chat environment.


To cancel a duel, a moderator simply needs to type the command in the chat:


This command doesn't require any additional arguments.


Example 1: Canceling a duel

Moderator input:


Chatbot output:

@styler, darkoe denied your duel :(

Example 2: Canceling when no duel is active

Moderator input:


Chatbot output:

There is no active duel to cancel.
  • !duel: Initiates a duel between two viewers
  • !acceptduel: Allows a challenged viewer to accept a duel


The !cancelduel command is part of the duel module. Ensure that this module is enabled in your StreamElements chatbot settings to use this command.


There are no default aliases for this command. However, you can create custom aliases in your StreamElements dashboard if desired.


You can customize the response message for a canceled duel in your StreamElements dashboard. This allows you to tailor the message to fit your stream's tone and style.