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Duel Module


The Duel module is an interactive chat game that allows users to challenge each other to a duel, wagering points for a chance to win.


To initiate a duel, use the following command:

!duel <username> <points>

Replace <username> with the name of the user you want to challenge, and <points> with the number of points you want to wager.


  1. Challenging a user to a duel for 100 points:

    !duel StreamNinja 100
  2. Accepting a duel challenge:



  • <username>: The name of the user you want to challenge.
  • <points>: The number of points you want to wager in the duel.
  • !accept: Accepts a duel challenge.
  • !deny: Declines a duel challenge.


You can configure the following settings for the Duel module:

CooldownThe cooldown period between duel challenges.
Maximum amountThe maximum number of points that can be wagered in a duel.

How It Works

  1. A user initiates a duel using the !duel command.
  2. The challenged user has the option to accept or decline the duel.
  3. If accepted, the game randomly determines a winner.
  4. The winner receives the wagered points.


Q: How is the winner determined? A: The winner is randomly selected by the system when both users have accepted the duel.

Q: Can I challenge multiple users at once? A: No, you can only challenge one user at a time.

Q: What happens if the challenged user doesn't respond? A: If the challenged user doesn't respond within a set time (usually a few minutes), the duel request expires, and no points are exchanged.