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Live Announcement Module


The Live Announcement module is a feature of the StreamElements Chatbot that automatically posts a message in the chat when a stream goes live. This helps notify viewers that the stream has started and provides essential information about the stream.


When enabled, the Live Announcement module works automatically without any manual input required. As soon as the stream goes live, the chatbot will post a predefined message in the chat.


  1. Default announcement:
ExampleStreamer is now live! Streaming Fortnite: Late night squad games with friends!
  1. Custom announcement:
🎉 ExampleStreamer just went live! They're playing Minecraft and the stream title is "Building a mega castle - Day 3". Don't miss out!


The Live Announcement message can include the following parameters:

  • ${channel.display_name}: The display name of the channel
  • {title}: The title of the live stream
  • {game}: The game or category being streamed


To configure the Live Announcement module:

  1. Go to your StreamElements dashboard
  2. Navigate to the Chatbot settings
  3. Find the "Live Announcement" section
  4. Enable the module
  5. Customize the announcement message using the available parameters

Example configuration:

🔴 ${channel.display_name} is now live! 🎮 Playing {game} 📌 {title}


Q: Can I customize the announcement message? A: Yes, you can customize the message in the StreamElements dashboard using the available parameters.

Q: How often does the Live Announcement trigger? A: The announcement triggers once per stream, when the stream initially goes live.

Q: Can I use custom variables in the announcement? A: Currently, only the predefined parameters (${channel.display_name}, {title}, and {game}) are supported.