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Custom Widget

This is the most powerful tool in SE Overlay editor. You can do a lot of things within this widget using HTML/CSS/JavaScript and accessing variables


You cannot access document.cookie nor IndexedDB via it (security reasons), so you need to keep your data elsewhere (accessible via HTTP API) or SE_API store.

Before Starting


This article requires you to have an Overlay created with a Custom Widget added there. To do so, follow the steps in the Before Starting article.

Custom Code Editor

The Custom Code Editor is a powerful tool that allows you to write custom code in the Overlay Editor. For more information about the Custom Code Editor, please refer to the Widget Structure article.


A global object is provided to access basic API functionality. The overlay's API token is also provided (via the onWidgetLoad event below) for more direct REST API calls to be used as authorization header.'keyName', obj); // stores an object into our database under this keyName (multiple widgets using the same keyName will share the same data. keyName can be an alphanumeric string only).'keyName').then(obj => {
// obj is the object stored in the db, must be a simple object
SE_API.counters.get('counterName').then(counter => {
// counter is of the format { counter, value }

SE_API.sanitize({ message: "Hello SomeVulgarWorld"}).then(sanityResult => {
"message":"Hello Kreygasm" //Message after validation
"skip":false // Should it be skipped according to rules

SE_API.cheerFilter(message).then(cheerResult => {
// cheerResult = "message but without any cheers in it";

SE_API.setField('key', 'value'); // Sets the fieldData[key] = value. This does not save, so should be used with Editor Mode so the user can save.
SE_API.getOverlayStatus(); // { isEditorMode: true/false, muted: true/false } method emits an event received by every Custom Widget. Example payload:

"detail": {
"listener": "kvstore:update",
"event": {
"data": {
"key": "customWidget.keyName",
"value": {
"array": [
"date": "2021-03-15T08:46:10.919Z",
"test": 15

resumeQueue method and widgetDuration property

The widgetDuration property defines the maximum event queue hold time (execution time of widget) by widget in seconds (default is 0). For example, if you want to show animations by this widget and don’t want them to overlap, instead of building your own queue, you can use this. This property is defined in JSON (as mentioned above). Premature queue resume can be called by SE_API.resumeQueue();

The best way to explain this is through an example:


We have an animation for community sub gifts (only), and we want to use it. The animation duration is dynamic between 7 and 15 seconds, and we don’t want it to overlap on alerts.



"type": "hidden",
"value": 15


let skippable=["bot:counter","event","event:test","event:skip","alertService:toggleSound","message","delete-message","delete-messages","kvstore:update"]; //Array of events coming to widget that are not queued so they can come even if queue is on hold
let playAnimation=(event)=>{
$("container").html(`<div id="sender">${event.sender}</div><div class="amount">${event.amount} subs!</div>`)
return Math.floor(Math.random()*8)+7;
window.addEventListener('onEventReceived', function (obj) {
const listener = obj.detail.listener;
const data = obj.detail.event;
console.log(`RECEIVED ${listener}`);
if (skippable.indexOf(listener)!==-1) return;
if (listener !== 'subscriber-latest') {
console.log("Resuming as event is not sub");
if (data.bulkGifted !== true && !data.gifted) {
console.log("Resuming as event is not sub gift");
if ( === data.sender) {
console.log("Getting animation duration for premature resume");
let time=playAnimation(data);
setTimeout(SE_API.resumeQueue, time*1000);