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Custom Code in Alertboxes

Before Starting


This article requires you to have an Overlay created with an AlertBox with "Custom CSS" enabled. To do so, follow the steps in the Before Starting article.

Custom Code Editor

The Custom Code Editor is a powerful tool that allows you to write custom code in the Overlay Editor. For more information about the Custom Code Editor, please refer to the Events article.

Inline Variables available

VariableDescriptionExample (context or output)
{{name}}Person who is in subject of event.{{name}} just followed stream!
{{amount}}Amount if event supports it - amount of bits, months (as resub, can be replaced with ({{months}})), viewers (when hosted, raided).{{name}} just cheered with 1000 bits!
{{tier}}Sub tier (sub events only){{name}} subscribed for {{amount}} months at tier {{tier}}
{{announcement}}Message specified in "alert message" box to event. Alias: {{messageTemplate}}{{announcement}} => {{name}} is our sub for {{amount}}
{{items}}List of items in Merch event{{name}} just bought {{items}}
{{message}}HTML user message attached to event (sub, cheer, tip). Remember to provide proper styling for .alertbox-message-emote class (alias: {{userMessage}}){{message}} =><span class="cheermote-1"><img class="alertbox-message-emote" alt="cheer1" src=""/>1</span> Hi!
{{messageRaw}}Plain text user message attached to event (sub, cheer, tip).{{messageRaw}} => Hi Kappa!
{{sender}}If an action is a sub, {{sender}} is replaced with a person who gave it.{{sender}} just gifted a sub for {{name}}
{{currency}}Currency if event is a donation.{{name}} just tipped us {{currency}} {{amount}} !
{{image}}URL of image attached to alert.<img src="{{image}}"/>
{{video}}URL of video attached to alert.<video id="video" playsinline autoplay muted style="width:100%; height:100%"><source id="webm" src="{{video}}" type="video/webm"></video>
{{videoVolume}}Video volume (from 0 to 1). If alerts are muted in activity feed this value is set to 0.{{videoVolume}} => 0.5
{{audio}}URL of audio attached to alert.<audio id="audio" playsinline autoplay ><source id="alertsound" src="{{audio}}" type="audio/ogg"></audio>
{{audioVolume}}Audio volume (from 0 to 1). If alerts are muted in activity feed this value is set to 0.{{audioVolume}} => 0.5
{{widgetDuration}}Widget duration in seconds, so you can create exit animation timed perfectly like on examples below:{{widgetDuration}} => 5



<div class="alertbox-message">
<div class="alertbox-message-text">
<span class="alertbox-message-name">{{name}}</span>
<span class="alertbox-message-announcement">{{announcement}}</span>
<div class="alertbox-message-message">{{message}}</div>


const hideAfter=parseInt("{widgetDuration}")-1000;
const playHideAnimation=()=>{
timeline.reverse(); //or any other thing that will make your alert fancy exit


#alertbox {
animation: hide forwards 1s;
animation-delay: calc({widgetDuration}s - 1s);